
CEE Internal hero image

Alumni are Central

to CEE's mission and continued success.  This page links to information about the Center's Alumni and for its Alumni.

6-Rickoid human pyramid
Rickoids re-enact "Yertle the Turtle."

Alumni Testimonials

make clear the value of CEE's programs to participants.


Alumni Honors

show what top minds can accomplish with the right training and experience.

Terence Tao at blackboard
Terence Tao, RSI 1989, an Australian native, became one of the youngest ever recipients of the Fields Medal in 2006.

Alumni Opportunities

suggests ways that CEE and Alumni can carry their special relationship into the future.


After CEE:  College

shows what colleges and universities RSI and USABO Alumni attend.  (Hint:  the best ones)

'Splaining at the whiteboard
"Dude, THIS is what you gotta understand if you want to go to MIT."

Alumni Events

has pictures and short writeups of recent (and not-so-recent) Alumni events.



explains who Rickoids are, and lists every one, all the way back to 1984! 

RSI Human Pyramid
"Our pyramid is preferable to all previously pictured pyramids."

Double Rickoids

explains who Double Rickoids are.  A short list!


CEE mourns the passing of Kent Churchill, RSI 1984

Rickoid Food Science and Recipes (pdf)

CEE Alumni share family recipes from around the world.  The book is perfectly seasoned with food science facts and occasional absurdities.  What else would you expect?