Lab Bench

CEE Internal hero image

CEE's Lab Bench

contains a wealth of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) information for both students and teachers including:

  • Resources and ideas for conducting real STEM labs and experiments

  • Educational materials on a wide range of STEM subjects

  • Explorations of STEM careers and guidance for how to pursue them

To use Lab Bench, select a category (top tabs) and subject (bottom tabs).  The vertical scroll bar inside Lab Bench allows you to view the available resources in each subject.

Lab Bench

Teacher Corner / Awards & Grants



          AWARDS & GRANTS

→Professional Development

Classroom Enrichment

STEM Grants

Award Opportunities





  • Award Opportunities

The National Science Teaching Association (NSTA) is now accepting applications for its 2021-2022 Awards Program. NSTA Awards honor K–12 teachers, principals, professors, and other education professionals for their outstanding work and achievement in science and STEM education.

→ Applications are open for:

  • Angela Awardsponsored by NSTA
  • Corteva Excellence in Agricultural Science Education Awardsponsored by Corteva
  • Distinguished Informal Science Education Awardssponsored by NSTA
  • Distinguished Service to Science Education Awardssponsored by NSTA
  • Distinguished Teaching Awardssponsored by NSTA
  • Maitland P. Simmons Memorial Award for New Teacherssponsored by NSTA
  • Northrop Grumman Foundation Excellence in Engineering Education Awardsponsored by the Northrop Grumman Foundation
  • NSTA Fellow Awardsponsored by NSTA
  • NSTA Legacy Awardsponsored by NSTA
  • Robert E. Yager Exemplary Teaching Award, sponsored by an endowment from Robert Yager
  • Robert H. Carleton Awardsponsored by NSTA
  • Shell Science Teaching Award, sponsored by Shell
  • Shell Urban Science Educators Development Award, sponsored by Shell
  • Sylvia Shugrue Award for Elementary School Teacherssponsored by an endowment from Sylvia Shugrue
  • Vernier Software & Technology Awards, sponsored by Vernier Software & Technology




Teacher Corner / Build your CV





Build Your CV













Teacher Corner / Classroom Enrichment Resources

Classroom Enrichment Resources

Classroom Enrichment Resources


Classroom Resources


Digital Learning Series


Classroom Enrichment


Classroom Resources

Classroom-ready data resources
Explore NOAA data collected around the globe in formats designed just for educators.
take information from our atmosphere and ocean and package it in easily accessible, classroom-friendly lesson plans, activities, and curricula.

Hands-On Activities - Discovery Education: Bring the diverse world of STEM to your classroom using a wide variety of immersive learning explorations. These easy-to-use activities allow STEM professionals to convert real-world expertise into meaningful educational experiences.
⇒ STEM Activity - What does STEM mean to you? (STEM)
⇒ Co[la]bo[ra]t[ion] - Would your life benefit with the help of a “cobot”? (Cybersecurity) 
⇒ Understanding Fossil Fuels - What does fossil fuel really mean?(Energy)


Open Access Journals for Educators

Probability and Data Analysis Lesson Plan: What Are the Chances?
In this probability and data analysis lesson plan, which is adaptable for grades 3-12, students review these skills throughout a unit of study. Students then create a paper-based or digital activity that challenges classmates to apply data analysis, graphing, and/or probability skills to fictitious or real-world situations.

How Fast is Your Computer?
How fast are computers? How quickly do you think they can do 100 million arithmetic problems? Try this science project to discover an easy way to measure how fast computers have become and whether or not your computer is a math whiz.


​​​​Digital Learning Series

Listed below are, first, the link to the Digital Learning Series Playlist with general contents, and, second, links to each short video with additional details. Enjoy!

Digital Learning SeriesPlaylist - Each short video includes educator resources in the description bar, such as: 

  • remote learning activities& various online resources 
  • news about the topic at the time it was posted
  • open-ended guiding questions (written by TEP staff through careful analysis of each recording)that can be usedto support each educator's development or delivery of a lesson or discussion, if desired.


Virtual Learning Resources

Listed below are virtual learning resources to help guide YOU in the world of education.


Teacher Corner / How To







Teacher Resources


Professional Development


Scientific Journals


Teacher Resources

  • Microsoft Learn Educator Center - Microsoft Learn for Educators takes the best of learning paths and enables you to bring this Microsoft Official Curriculum and the instructor-led training materials into your classroom.
  • Teach tech skills for the future: Build your students' technical skills with curriculum and educational materials
  • Gear up for course delivery: As part of Microsoft Learn for Educators, you will get access to training and tools to prepare you for delivering cutting-edge technical instruction in your classes.
  • Educator Programs: Link to the Microsoft Educator Programs that could improve your educator development.
  • STEAM, coding, and esports: Spark student curiosity by connecting in-class activities to the real world.




Professional Development



Scientific Journals


Open Access Journals for Educators


The 10 Most Important & Popular Science Magazines

Getting a Speaker Tips

Picking the right professional speaker for your classroom can be challenging. Below are a few examples of distinguished lecturers who have spoken in CEE's webinars.

Distinguished Lecturer Series

Reprogramming the Brain's Immune Cells to Fight Alzheimer's Disease 

Dr. Yang currently heads his own lab, established at UCLA in 2002. He is a professor, serving both the Center for Neurobehavioral Genetics at the Semel Institute for Neuroscience & Human Behavior and the Department of Psychiatry & Biobehavioral Sciences. Dr. Yang also maintains affiliations with the Brain Research Institute and the David Geffen School of Medicine, both of UCLA. 

Oil Spills: What happens after the cleanup? 

Dr. Ann Shellenbarger Jones is currently a Principal Senior Staff member at Industrial Economics, Inc. (IEc). There, she manages assessments of ecological systems and works primarily to develop and implement new methods of ecological service valuation. The aim of these practices is, ultimately, to measure natural resource damage and the impacts of climate change. 

For the most recent updates about habitat assessment and restoration, visit her page at Industrial Economics, Inc. here: 

Artificial Intelligence & Robotics 

Dr. Daniel Dongyuel Lee is currently a Professor of Electrical & Computer Engineering at Cornell Tech. He also serves as Executive Vice President for Samsung Research. 

For the most recent updates about AI & Robotics technology, visit Cornell's collaborative engineering robotics site here: